Swift Social

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Startup Name Swift Social
What problem are you solving? Business owners know their customers use social media, but either don’t have the skills to reach them or don’t have the time. Most of the time, it’s both. This leads to 3 major pain points:1. Identifying and growing their audience
2. Communicating their message to their audience
3. Converting conversations to paying customers

These obstacles often mean too much time and money is invested in social media with little to no return. Swift solves these problems.

What is your solution? Swift Social combines powerful software with a team of expert digital marketers. It focuses on growing relevant followers, curating content and driving traffic to your website completely automatically.
Target Market marketers, social media marketers, digital agencies, digital marketing agencies, agencies, smm, socialamedia
How will you make money? through sales
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? Arni Lochner (Designer and Co-Founder)
– Award-winning designer and user experience specialist with over a decade in the field
– Delivered digital projects for Honda, McDonald’s and Fox DigitalKirk Fletcher (Engineer and Co-Founder)
– Lead back-end engineer with over 20 years web development experience
– Pioneered several recognised core functions in web applications

Craig Curchin (Engineer and Co-Founder)
– Lead front-end engineer with over 10 years experience
– Delivered campaigns for Budweiser, Doritos and Electronic Arts

Founders Names Arni Lochner
Founders Email NA
What type of funding has the company received? NA
If you have a press kit or image gallery please provide a link (optional) NA
Website www.swiftsocial.com
Twitter Handle @swftsocial
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