Hustle Mode ON

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Startup Name Hustle Mode ON
What problem are you solving? I help makers and digital hustlers to save time and be more productive while they\’re working on their projects.
What is your solution? With 130 resources and tools, I would like to help makers and digital hustlers to save time and be more productive while they\’re working on their projects.So, I featured the best apps to help them meditate, create new habits, sleep better and boost their focus while they\’re working 12/14 hours every day to achieve the success they deserve.

I personally tried a lot of these tools in my entrepreneurial journey, so I thought I could share them and hopefully help someone to become more productive and to be able to hustle 24/7/365.

With so much noise and millions of apps out there, I’m trying to do my best to keep the list lean and always updated with the most relevant resources.

Hustle Mode On was also featured on Product Hunt 4 days after launch (February 18th) and did quite well, reaching the frontpage with ~300 upvotes

Target Market entrepreneurs, marketers, designers, developers
How will you make money? through sales
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? I\’m a 27 years old marketer from Italy. I have a full time job and I work on different side projects from 8pm to 2am, almost every night and week end.My goal is to build a decent stream of income for me and my girlfriend, so that we could leave our day jobs and focus on growing our businesses while traveling the world.

I know that this is a bit of a cliché, but we\’re on the right track to achieve this by the end of this year 🙂

Founders Names Simone Barbero
Founders Email NA
What type of funding has the company received? NA
If you have a press kit or image gallery please provide a link (optional) NA
Twitter Handle @onhustlemode
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