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Startup Name | cargo2share |
What problem are you solving? | How to send my items to another city or country fast, reliable and without paying too much |
What is your solution? | Cargo2share is the platform which focuses on matching people who need something delivered with travelers who are taking the same route. |
Target Market | frequent travelers, international students |
How will you make money? | through sales |
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? | We are Europe-based team of professionals with master degrees in IT and business administration.Our project is a result of more than 7 years of industrial and consulting experience in different sectors, including transportation, automotive industry, retail and finance. Each of our team members has a proven track record of successfully accomplished projects with a strong focus on process automation and gaining the maximum added value from IT. Our team has a perfect combination of managerial skills and hands-on experience in programming, database and user interface design. We are actively working on extending our knowledge and competence. Continuous learning and adoption of best practices are key points of our development program. Our team members are involved in global processes of transforming traditional business models into digital ones by contributing to the most recent IT platforms and developments. |
Founders Names | Andrei Averin |
Founders Email | NA |
What type of funding has the company received? | NA |
If you have a press kit or image gallery please provide a link (optional) | NA |
Website | www.cargo2share.com |
Twitter Handle | @cargo2share |
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Pitch your Startup, App or Hardware or post a Startup Event or Startup Job