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Startup Name | InstantReplay.io |
What problem are you solving? | We believe the single greatest indicator of success for product teams is how empathetic they are with their users. It\’s not the teams that write the most code who win, it\’s the teams that learn the fastest and build the best product. |
What is your solution? | InstantReplay.io enables teams to perform user & visitor recording at scale inside modern web apps. Not only are we going to automatically provide actionable insights about user behavior, we\’re going to generate \”channels\” filled with similar user activity, so that anyone on your team an understand how your users behave. We find patterns in user behavior, and then we show it to you, along with profiles of who your customers are and how they behave.We believe the single greatest indicator of success for product teams is how empathetic they are with their users, and we want to be the tip-of-the-spear of the next generation of usability tools for enterprise technology companies. |
Target Market | Businesses |
How will you make money? | Up to 2,500 recordings per month for free, $0.0025 per recording afterwards |
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? | InstantReplay.io was conceived by James Futhey, a Usability Researcher & Advocate for the advancement of Modern Javascript Web Applications. An EmberJS contributor, James wrote one of the most-used introductions for building modern web applications using Ember 2.0 (https://medium.com/@jamesfuthey/a-gentle-introduction-to-ember-2-0-8ef1f378ee4). As a Program Manager & Designer, he is known for using out-of-the-box thinking to solve difficult design challenges. For example, James built a Facemash-style tool to help bring an entire company participate in a recent branding project (https://medium.com/@jamesfuthey/recreating-facemash-to-kickoff-my-company-s-branding-project-7a88005e7aca). |
Founders Names | James Futhey |
Founders Email | NA |
What type of funding has the company received? | NA |
If you have a press kit or image gallery please provide a link (optional) | NA |
Website | www.instantreplay.io |
Twitter Handle | NA |
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