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Startup Name ShareOnWifi
What problem are you solving? Suppose you happen to have the latest episode of Game-Of-Thrones with you. Then your friend will ask you to share it with him/her. This will require you to open a file sharing app, search for your friend and click on send. Now, another friend comes up and asks for the same file from you. Again you have to repeat the whole process, i.e, open app, search and send. This has to be repeated every time when someone wants some data from you.
ShareOnWifi solves this problem. Using ShareOnWifi, you would add the Game-Of-Thrones episode on your share list and thats it, you are free, no one will bother you. Your friends will open the application and search for the Game-Of-Thrones episode or browse your share and download it.
So unlike other file sharing apps, ShareOnWifi works on a pull principle, i.e, the receivers search/hunt for the content themselves and not bother the sender. It is like sharing your tiffin at lunch.
Also, ShareOnWifi allows you to fetch data from unknown people or people with whom you are not friends with. This allows for the concept of open sharing.
What is your solution? The application allows laptops and mobiles to share data between them at a high speed of up to 50Mbps. It requires the devices to be connected on the same Wifi network. So basically, when you open the application on a laptop or mobile, it will try to find otherShareOnWifi users connected on the same Wifi and present you with their shared list of files and folders. Then you can search or select files you want and hit download.
Target Market marketers,gamers,startups,employees,consumers,designers,students
How will you make money? Through sales
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? Aaqib Khan (Founder)
I have immense passion in mobile technologies. I see mobile as a tiny little device which lets you connect to a huge world. The power of building apps that people can carry with them all the time and use it when and wherever they want, is fascinating. I have worked on game development and built apps for companies like Morgan Stanley, Crowdfire and Insider.
Founders Names Aaqib Khan
Founders Email NA
What type of funding has the company received?  


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Twitter Handle @ShareOnWifi
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