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Startup Name: PBXDom
Tag Line:- PBXDom is a call reporting and analysis service on the cloud.
Elevator Pitch:- Our Service helps SMEs to Ent better understand their phone system activity
· You lose money every time the sales department misses a phone call
· You will have unsatisfied customers if they can’t reach your service team
You know how they say information is power? You first need to be able to capture and then analyse it, and that is essential what we do.
How Will You Make Money? subscriptions plan
Target Market:- Our market size is considerably large as every type of business requires a phone systems or call center,
How much Capital Have You Raised? NA
Founder Name:- Reza Mousavi
Twitter:- pbxdom
Website:- www.pbxdom.com
City/Country:- Walnut/CA
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