Leady for Mailchimp – We track your Mailchimp subscribers who come to your website

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Leady for Mailchimp
Tagline:- We track your Mailchimp subscribers who come to your website
Get to Know Your Mailchimp Subscribers

The application Leady is an online platform for Mailchimp which identifies your clients, adds their information from social networks or company database, and further monitors how they browse your website. You only have to connect Leady to your newsletter sending system. This allows Leady’s system to “mark” users and as soon as any of them view your website, they are identified. Leady subsequently adds their external information.

You will therefore be perfectly informed about how a particular user visits your website, which of your newsletters they read, and about other forms of interaction. You can subsequently segment your website visitors according to what they are interested in. You simply know about their current needs.

Leady uses Mailchimp data to identify opportunities for further sales. You know the current needs of a company or individual and you can focus on satisfying them. The application Leady is not another source of data for your analysts, but a source of opportunities, or “leads”, for your sales or marketing.

Pricing – There isn’t any. There isn’t pricing, it is really for free! Time is precious and we want to spend it now on improving the product and user experience, not on business models, pricing or payment gateways.
Subscription:- free
Capital Gain:- None
Owner:- Tomas Berger
Twitter:- @LeadyCom
Website:- www.leady.com/mailchimp.html
Target Market:- Businesses

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