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Startup Name:- Evolution 2
Tagline:- The most insightful habit tracking tool for motivated self-improvers.
Elevator Pitch:- Evolution 2 (E2) is a behavior optimization tool that enables users to make significant improvements in their lives through defining, acquiring, and tracking habits using proven methods, like cognitive behavioral therapy and Seinfeld’s “Don’t break the chain.”, to provide guided diagnoses of roadblocks. Further effectiveness is enabled through data visualization tools that identify “domino habits”, optional coaching from subject matter experts, sharing among friends and colleagues for accountability, and helpful links to actionable resources.
It can be used to build habits by individuals for personal health (meditation, sleep, exercise), or productivity (focus, attention to detail, effective conversations), and by team members within an organization in order to implement daily improvement based on performance metrics and firm goals.
Target Market:- Quantified self, self trackers, self improvement coaches
How will you make money? We plan to offer paid premium features How much capital have you raised? 10-50k
Founder(s) Name:- Konrad Kopczynski
Website: http:- www.evolution2.co
Twitter:- @evolution2app
City/Country:- New York/USA
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