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Startup Name: Gamer Goo
Tagline: Your sweat-reducing, grip-improving, energy-enhancing hand cream.
Elevator Pitch: As a gamer myself, I always found myself wiping my hands on my pants in between games. I tried some competitors products, but there was always residue left on my hands, and the products never smelled appealing. Gamer Goo is a product created to prevent sweaty hands while improving your grip. Just choose your favorite scent, drop a pea size amount on your hands, and enjoy sweat free hands for hours.
Target Market: Gamers, E-sports
How will you make money? Selling the product
How much capital have you raised? None
Founder(s) Name: Justin Clark
Website: http://www.gamergoo.com
Twitter: @gamergoo
City/Country: Rockledge, USA
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