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Startup Name: Voxist
Tagline: Intelligent voicemail that lets you read your voicemail and impress your callers with personalized greetings
Elevator Pitch: Voxist is an intelligent voicemail that replaces your carrier’s inefficient voicemail. Impress callers with customized greetings and save time by reading transcribed voicemail messages. Access messages on your phone or via email, so you never miss out.
Users have described us as a visual voicemail on steroids (nope, we couldn’t make that up ourselves) – especially practical for business voicemail, people who handle a large volume of calls, those who would like to address professional and personal callers differently and uniquely, and those who just want to have fun creating customized greetings for the important callers in their lives.
Join our growing US Beta program: https://www.voxist.com/voxist-invitation/
Target Market: Small business owners, consultants, real estate agents, sales…people who receive a lot of calls but are too busy to attend them!
How will you make money? Freemium business model
How much capital have you raised? 10-50k
Founder(s) Name: Karel Bourgois
Website: https://www.voxist.com
Twitter: @voxist
City/Country: Paris, France
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