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Startup Name: LambdaTest
Tagline: Perform all your tests on cloud
Elevator Pitch: With LambdaTest, you can seamlessly test your public or locally hosted website or web app across 1400+ different browsers, browser versions, operating systems, and resolutions. With our platform you can make sure that your customers get pixel perfect experience no matter from which device they access your website.
Perform Real Time testing on 1400+ desktop & mobile browsers on cloud Interactively test and debug on live remote browsers
Execute Resolution Display Testing and auto-generate Screenshots across multiple devices. Perform smart UI testing on cloud
Log & highlight errors instantly with inbuilt Issue Tracker & Image Editor Share your bug with one click bug logging on Jira, Slack, Asana and Trello. We are going to revolutionize automation testing, performance testing, and much more.
Target Market: The tool is useful for anyone who builds or owns a website or web application, giving them online capabilities to make their websites and apps pixel perfect and cross browser and cross platform compatible.
How will you make money?: NA
How much capital have you raised? 250-500k
Founder(s) Name: Jay Singh
Website: https://www.lambdatest.com/
Twitter: @Lambdatesting
City/Country: San Francisco, USA
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