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Startup Name: vuebit
Tagline: YouTube Video Previews Made Easy
Elevator Pitch: Add GIF-like Previews To All Embedded YouTube Videos On Your Site
vuebit is the easiest way to:
– improve user engagement
– drive traffic to videos
– increase session duration
How It Works
1. Put your domain to your vuebit account
2. Add our javascript library to your html
Now every page with youtube videos will automatically show their previews. It is that simple. Therefore, visit vuebit.com for a demo
Target Market: Site owners, web designers, web developers, bloggers, vloggers, news sites
How will you make money? subscriptions
How much capital have you raised? None
Founder(s) Name: Sophia
Website: http://vuebit.com
Twitter: @vuebit
City/Country: USA
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