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Startup Name: Simplifii
Tagline: Custom Workflow Applications for Digital Transformation
Elevator Pitch: Simplifii is a Mobile-First Business Apps Platform from Simplifii Labs Private Limited that enables companies scale and innovate faster. With Simplifii’s flexible architecture, we deliver custom business apps like Primary Sales & Distribution, Digital Marketplaces, Supply Chain Management, Full Stack Products, and more, based on your requirements. Most importantly, our Primary Sales Management Solution is a standard product in the agro-chemical industry.
We started the Simplifii platform to tackle issues arising from situations like non-availability of on-demand real-time data on mobile, scattered data, dependency on manual follow-ups, lack of data analytics in business processes to make informed decisions, and of course the hundreds of man-hours spent on paperwork that could have been better utilized in a more productive manner. Besides that our platform can be configured to handle managing the different business processes within your organization, as well as tracking, measuring, analyzing and reporting the data in real-time on mobile.
Target Market: Businesses looking for digital tranformation
How will you make money? By selling custom apps made on this platform
How much capital have you raised? None
Founder(s) Name: Munish Bansal
Website: http://simplifii.com
Twitter: @simplifii
City/Country: New Delhi, India
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