Crammut – Grow skills with only 30′ a day

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Startup Name: Crammut

Tagline: Grow skills with only 30′ a day

Elevator Pitch: Crammut is the place where you and your team can create, keep track and complete learning paths. We think it is perfect for teams who need a faster way to train employees in a specific field of knowledge but lack the time to keep track of their progress.

Besides that, it is the perfect place to arrange the content you’ve always wanted to read or watch — Medium posts, YouTube videos, Reddit threads, book titles, etc. and set a deadline to learn from it.

Target Market: Digital SME (30-100 employees)

How will you make money? Software licences

How much capital have you raised? None

Founder(s) Name: Jaime Grau


Twitter: @crammut

City/Country: Valencia, Spain

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