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Startup Name: Woodpecker
Tagline: Legal Document Automation
Elevator Pitch: Woodpecker is a document automation platform that empowers modern law firms to automate and standardize their frequently used legal documents. More importantly, it allows attorneys to continue using Word, avoid migrating to a new platform, and spend a fraction of the cost of enterprise document management platforms.
Our mission is to provide a cutting edge software product to an underserved segment of the legal market, at an affordable price, with no implementation or training overhead. Woodpecker seeks to supplement users existing workflows rather than supplant them.
Target Market: Solo and small law firms
How will you make money? Subscription model
How much capital have you raised?: NA
Founder(s) Name: Alex Melehy
Website: http://www.woodpeckerweb.com
Twitter: @WoodpeckerDocs
City/Country: Boston, USA
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