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Startup Name: Chain of Trust Technologies
Tagline: We Do Ops
Elevator Pitch: Chain of Trust Technologies (CoTT) solves organizational infrastructure challenges in operations, automation, multi-cloud orchestration, security, and development.
Besides that, it primarily offers the Iron Ops Platform. Iron is one tool for all of your Ops tasks. Built on an encrypted, zero-knowledge foundation, Iron seamlessly combines orchestration, configuration, and monitoring in one simple platform. Our powerful and integrated automation platform has the capabilities to solve even your most challenging problems.
Target Market: IT Consulting Firms & DevOps Teams
How will you make money?: By partnering with IT consulting firms and leveraging their sales network. We will also sell B2B and online.
How much capital have you raised?: 100-250k
Founder(s) Name: Preston Koprivica & Ben Hammes
Website: http://www.chainoftrust.io
Twitter: @cottechnology
City/Country: Kansas City, USA
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