UpMyInfluence.com – Influencer Agency | Authority Marketing

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Startup Name: UpMyInfluence.com

Tagline: Influencer Agency | Authority Marketing

Elevator Pitch: We help you own & grow your authority as an influencer in your space.

Most importantly, you can grow your social media audience and website traffic for better influencer marketing.

We use our agency-level publicity tools to attract and expand your audience. You use your influence and authority to get higher sales, conversions, and partnership opportunities with influencers.
You use your influence to get higher sales, conversions, and opportunities.

Target Market: Consulting

How will you make money?: Pricing Package for Each Service

How much capital have you raised?: NA

Founder(s) Name: Josh Elledge

Website: https://UpMyInfluence.com

Twitter: @JoshElledge

City/Country: Orlando, USA

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