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Startup Name: Ahrvo
Tagline: Empowering Investors To Make Better Decisions
Elevator Pitch: Ahrvo is a financial technology company created in March 2017. The proprietary multi-factor ranking system “AhrvoScores™” help investors and traders of all backgrounds discover stock market winners and make timely and profitable investment decisions among more than 8000 stocks and ETFs.
Ahrvo’s proprietary equity scoring model uses predictive analytics and data mining techniques to uncover and exploit patterns found in historical and projected stock market data in order to find the best stocks. AhrvoScores are derived using the four main drivers of stock price performance — Quality, Value, Growth, and Momentum. Each factor adjusts to stock market conditions creating consistently robust AhrvoScores.
It is simple: stocks with high AhrvoScores consistently outperform the market; stocks with low scores underperform. This streamlines the stock discovery process as a group of top rated investment ideas is curated for users daily.
Target Market: Young and Inexperienced Investors
How will you make money?: Subscriptions and Ads
How much capital have you raised?: 250-500k
Founder(s) Name: Appo Agbamu
Website: https://ahrvo.com
Twitter: @AhrvoApp
City/Country: Minnesota, United States
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