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Startup Name: CrowdQuestion
Tagline: Connecting Crowds Through Q&A The Right Way To Bring Everyone Closer To Their Community
Elevator Pitch: Answering questions asked by fans is something that has been proven in talk-radio, on television, on podcasts, at conventions and conferences, as well as for anyone with a following but can be extremely difficult to do through social media.
Connecting crowds through Q&A to bring everyone closer to their community. More importantly, CrowdQuestion provides those who host events with a following an avenue to better answer their questions.
As a Host, engage with the most important part of your occasion, the attendees. CrowdQuestions allows Hosts to create channels where they hold events to field and answer questions from the crowd saving time compared to the pain of doing it through social media. As a Listener, CrowdQuestion allows you to ask questions and engage with the rest of the crowd to find the best questions to be answered.
Target Market: Podcast, Events, Conferences, Conventions, Teams, Festivals, Social Platform
How will you make money?: Host Subscriptions & Sponsorships
How much capital have you raised?: None
Founder(s) Name: Riley Moore
Website: https://www.CrowdQuestion.com
Twitter: @CrowdQuestion_
City/Country: Sacramento, USA
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