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Startup Name: RecurPost
Tagline: Social Media Scheduler with Amazing Features
Elevator Pitch: RecurPost is a social media scheduler with repeating schedules. We let you categorize your updates into categories, such as blogs, videos, other people’s contents, memes, and quotes, etc. You can then create schedules for each library.
For instance, you can have one blog post go out on your Facebook pages in the afternoon and one meme go out on your Twitter every 4 hours. Once an update goes out it goes and sits at the end of the library to be posted again once everything else has gone out once.
Target Market: SMEs and Professionals
How will you make money?: Monthly subscription plans
How much capital have you raised?: None
Founder(s) Name: Prerna Goenka
Website: https://recurpost.com
Twitter: @recurpost
City/Country: Atlanta, USA
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