Sassbook AI – Sassbook is an AI-assisted SaaS platform that lets anyone create digital content much faster.

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Startup Name: Sassbook AI

Tagline: Sassbook is an AI-assisted SaaS platform that lets anyone create digital content much faster.

Elevator Pitch: Sassbook prompts you to enter a sentence to express intent and let the application complete it with its AI SaaS engine. Edit/continue or enter a new prompt to express the next idea and build up content dramatically faster in a fun way.

Generating quality text content consumes a lot of time, even for experienced people with a flair for it. Sassbook lets anyone with a basic knowledge of the language create quality text fast, by generating completions automatically.

Target Market: Online writers, individuals to enterprises

How will you make money?: Subscription-based freemium model

How much capital have you raised?: None

Founder(s) Name: Sarat Venugopal


Twitter: @sassbookai

City/Country: Singapore, Singapore

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