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Startup Name: UI Bakery
Tagline: low-code development platform
Elevator Pitch: Full-cycle visual web app builder based on Angular for prototyping MVPs, creating enterprise applications, white-label apps, and internal tools. API integration and app deployment in cloud available. No coding and design skills required.
Target Market: Outsourcing companies looking for a solution to deliver their products faster. Companies with their own IT departments developing digital products, and looking for a tool to accelerate the process and reduce their efforts. Businesses that are at the stage of digital transformation, looking for a solution to simplify the transformation process while preserving their data security. SMBs with limited budgets and human resources that need to gain a competitive advantage while staying within strict deadlines.
How will you make money?: NA
How much capital have you raised?: NA
Founder(s) Name: Akveo
Website: https://uibakery.io/
Twitter: @UiBakery
City/Country: USA
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