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Startup Name: Merge App
Tagline: Upgrade your digital office
Elevator Pitch: Merge gives the SME sector (1 to 15 employees) the ability to improve their current online communication tools. Plugging directly into Google Meet, Zoom and other platforms. Merge allows users to fully control their online presentations to fit their industry, client needs and brand voice.
Designed with average users in mind. Merge allow you to quickly customize your video experience with the ability to place pre-recorded video, pdf, desktop application, branding, multi webcam and easily switch between them during your presentation.
Founded in late 2021 it addresses the growing demand for both remote work resources for smaller businesses and the changing nature of direct client digital communication. We are proud to allow your SME to provide the kind of digital office presentation that set your business and provide the most value to your clients.
Target Market: SME with 1 to 15 employees
How will you make money?: Subscription based
How much capital have you raised?: None
Founder(s) Name: Braydon Zirkler, Briana Baker, Keely Chapman
Website: https://mergeapp.com.au/
Twitter: @app_merge
City/Country: Melbourne, Australia
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