Pitch your Startup, App or Hardware or post a Startup Event or Startup Job
Startup Name: Ideaness
Tagline: Social medial network for (aspiring) entrepreneurs
Elevator Pitch: Ideaness.org is a platform where (aspiring) entrepreneurs publish their business projects and share their journey. They connect with a community of like minded innovators to help them :
– (In)validate their ideas.
– Get feedback and help.
– Get closer to the product market fit.
– Look for other motivated persons with a complementary skillset.
– Find inspiration.
Target Market: Entrepreneurs and startups
How will you make money?: With a webshop specialized in selling startups’ products/services
How much capital have you raised?: None
Founder(s) Name: Julien Meyers
Website: https://ideaness.org/
Twitter: @MeyersJulien1
City/Country: Liège/Belgium
Pitch your Startup, App or Hardware or post a Startup Event or Startup Job