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Startup Name: Trinsic
Tagline: Reusable identity infrastructure powered by verifiable credentials, digital wallets and passkeys
Elevator Pitch: Trinsic is the leading reusable identity infrastructure developers choose for building identity products faster, easier, and more reliably. Leveraging decentralized technologies like verifiable credentials, digital wallets, passkeys and zero knowledge proofs, we empower teams to build trust without sacrificing privacy. With forward-thinking partners, Trinsic is unlocking the power to prove one’s identity without paper and helping make the world more accessible.
Target Market: Search all your apps from a single place
How will you make money?: Freemium
How much capital have you raised?: NA
Founder(s) Name: Zachary Jones
Website: https://trinsic.id/
Twitter: @zjonsee
City/Country: United States
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