Zeda.io – Turn voice of customer into revenue generating

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Startup Name: Zeda.io

Tagline: Turn voice of customer into revenue generating

Elevator Pitch: Zeda.io is an AI product discovery platform designed to assist B2B & SaaS businesses in identifying the right customer problems, guiding their next build with AI and crafting revenue-first product roadmaps. What makes Zeda.io different is its focus on customer-led product insights and impact-first roadmaps, which are crucial for data-driven decision-making.

Target Market: Search all your apps from a single place

How will you make money?: Freemium

How much capital have you raised?: NA

Founder(s) Name: Prashant Mahajan

Website: https://zeda.io

Twitter: @Pmahajan3105

City/Country: United States

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