Maverick – Create AI personalized videos at scale

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Startup Name: Maverick

Tagline: Create AI personalized videos at scale

Elevator Pitch: Maverick helps ecommerce businesses send automated AI generated personalized videos at scale to all their customers. Just record yourself once and Maverick uses AI and Deep Tech to generate endless unique personalized videos where you greet each customer by name. They are great for post purchase thank yous, welcome series, win backs, abandoned cart or incomplete sign up recoveries, etc. This solution will help you boost LTV, improve your engagement and conversions, increase revenue and retention and delight your customers at scale.

Target Market: Ecommerce

How will you make money?: NA

How much capital have you raised?: None

Founder(s) Name: Eitan Winer


Twitter: @trymaverick

City/Country: California, United States

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Written by John Doerr the legendary Venture Capitalist who invested $12m into Google which became $3 billion a few years later.


He also invested in Amazon, Intuit, Zynga, Compaq, Netscape, Macromedia, Symantec, Sun & dozens of other companies.


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