Fabrik – Spatial Computing Solutions for Critical Operations

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Startup Name: Fabrik

Tagline: Spatial Computing Solutions for Critical Operations

Elevator Pitch: Fabrik provides deep-tech solutions including Digital Twins for asset and operation visualization, VR trainings, and Computer Vision with high accuracy rates for real-world applications​​. Our services span multiple sectors, including architecture, aerospace, energy, and smart cities offering tools for project management, maintenance digitization, facility monitoring​​ and more.

Our platform emphasizes asset lifecycle management, integrating CAD models with sensor data, and provides enterprise-ready solutions with flexible deployment options. It features an all-in-one toolkit for 3D, AR, and VR, facilitating collaboration within immersive 3D environments​

Target Market: Industry Innovation Sector

How will you make money?: SaaS – Annual Subscription Plans

How much capital have you raised?: 250-500k

Founder(s) Name: Puneet Badrinath

Website: https://www.fabrik.space/

Twitter: @fabrikspace

City/Country: Bangalore, India

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