Salonist – Elevate Your Beauty Business with Seamless Booking, AI-Driven Features, and All-in-One Management Excellence.

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Startup Name: Salonist

Tagline: Elevate Your Beauty Business with Seamless Booking, AI-Driven Features, and All-in-One Management Excellence.

Elevator Pitch: Salonist revolutionizes the beauty and wellness industry with its user-friendly booking and scheduling platform. Elevate your salon’s efficiency, boost sales, and attract new clients effortlessly. From seamless online bookings across social media to comprehensive salon management, Salonist empowers 10,000+ businesses and 50,000+ skilled professionals worldwide. Experience the ease of managing your salon – try Salonist today.

Target Market: Salonist primarily targets beauty and wellness professionals, including salons, spas, and individual stylists. The software is designed to meet the needs of businesses and professionals in the beauty industry who require efficient booking and scheduling solutions, client management, and comprehensive salon operations management. The target market includes a diverse range of beauty and wellness establishments seeking to streamline their processes, enhance customer experiences, and grow their businesses.

How will you make money?: Salonist generates revenue through a subscription-based model, charging beauty and wellness professionals, including salons and individual stylists, a recurring fee for access to its comprehensive booking and management platform. The subscription fees may vary based on factors such as the level of features, usage, or the number of users. Additionally, Salonist may also generate income through transaction fees for each online booking or transaction processed through the platform, and by offering premium features or tailored solutions for larger enterprises at an additional cost.

How much capital have you raised?: 500k-1m

Founder(s) Name: Neeraj Gupta



City/Country: Singapore

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