Affordable Modular Buildings – Portable Building Solutions Brisbane

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Startup Name: Affordable Modular Buildings

Tagline: Portable Building Solutions Brisbane

Elevator Pitch: Portable buildings have the potential to be homes, workplaces, art/music studios, worker accommodation and so much more. Our story began from the realisation that affordable portable building solutions are a cost-effective and fast way to solve problems for so many people, especially when it comes to the creation of accommodation and workspaces.

Work with us to take your portable building idea and turn it into reality at an affordable price point. Our secret is finding the exact balance between quality workmanship and cost-effective solutions. We love what we do, and we do it well. After starting out small, we are fast becoming the supplier of choice thanks to our can-do service and friendly customer support.

Target Market: Australia

How will you make money?: Services

How much capital have you raised?: 10-50k

Founder(s) Name: Tim Austin



City/Country: Dinmore, Australia

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