UpNow News – Bridging voters & politicians with data-driven innovation, genuine insights, and a user-centric approach.

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Startup Name: UpNow News

Tagline: Bridging voters & politicians with data-driven innovation, genuine insights, and a user-centric approach.

Elevator Pitch: We’re UpNow News, an unbiased political news and information platform using novel technology to create trusted relationships between politicians and voters. We bring transparency and trust to politics by making an unprecedented level of verified information easily accessible to both parties. Frustrated by skyrocketing campaign costs and low public trust, we offer a solution that prioritizes the quality of service over the size of campaign war chests. By disrupting the current systemic barriers in the democratic process, Upvote facilitates a more intimate, trustworthy connection between politicians and voters at a fraction of the current cost.

Target Market: NA

How will you make money? NA

How much capital have you raised?

Founder(s) Name: Kasey Clary & Zack Krawiec

Website: http://goupvote.com/news

Twitter: @Upvote_inc


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