Adsby – Your AI Co-Pilot in Search Ads

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Startup Name: Adsby

Tagline: Your AI Co-Pilot in Search Ads

Elevator Pitch: Adsby is an innovative advertising platform that offers customized advertising solutions for brands to make their voices heard in the modern marketing landscape. By conducting in-depth analyses based on user behaviors and interests, it ensures that ads reach the right audience, maximizing return on investment and enabling brands to forge more meaningful connections with their target demographics.

The strength of Adsby lies in its use of artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies to continuously optimize the performance of advertising campaigns. This not only ensures that ads reach relevant users but also allows for the adaptation of campaigns to changing behaviors and trends in real-time. In essence, Adsby empowers brands to make smarter, more effective decisions in achieving their marketing objectives by basing their advertising strategies on real-time data.

Target Market: America

How will you make money?: subscription

How much capital have you raised?: 500k-1m

Founder(s) Name: Berkay Yavuz & Omer Ersin


Twitter: @adsbyco

City/Country: Delaware

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