Dextra – Dextra is an AI-powered startup providing communication and sales management services. Serving sales managers and influencers, Dextra automates email campaigns, handles objections, and streamlines collaboration. Boost conversion rates, save time, and drive successful outcomes with Dextra’s user-friendly service.

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Startup Name: Dextra

Tagline: Dextra is an AI-powered startup providing communication and sales management services. Serving sales managers and influencers, Dextra automates email campaigns, handles objections, and streamlines collaboration. Boost conversion rates, save time, and drive successful outcomes with Dextra’s user-friendly service.

Elevator Pitch: Dextra is an AI-powered service that offers a user-friendly application for communication and sales management. Our solution serves two distinct audiences: sales managers and influencers. For sales managers, Dextra provides a seamless service for their cold email campaigns. Our intelligent service automates email responses, handles objections, and ensures important details are not overlooked. With Dextra, sales managers can focus on building valuable relationships and closing deals, while saving time on email processing. For influencers, Dextra simplifies the collaboration process and empowers them to manage communication with ease. Our service automates communication, allowing influencers to respond to collaboration requests, consult on pricing, and select relevant content themes and platforms. Dextra also streamlines scheduling, facilitating deal negotiations and increasing order efficiency. Dextra caters to small and medium-sized businesses that rely on cold email campaigns and influencer marketing to drive sales. Whether you’re a sales manager seeking improved conversion rates or an influencer in need of efficient collaboration management, Dextra is the service.

Target Market: sales managers and influencers

How will you make money?: subscription

How much capital have you raised?: None

Founder(s) Name: Aleksandra Spivak, Pavel Shynkarenko


Twitter: @aleks_spivak

City/Country: limassol

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Learn about OKRs - Objectives & Key Results, the management system that Google & Intel use to achieve massive growth


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Written by John Doerr the legendary Venture Capitalist who invested $12m into Google which became $3 billion a few years later.


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