StudentAi – StudentAI offers 24/7 AI-powered tutoring and tools for students, graduates, and professionals. It assists in essay writing, project ideation, content paraphrasing, and APA citation. Featured widely, it provides free start, diverse AI tools, and subject-specific AI tutors for comprehensive academic support.

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Startup Name: StudentAi

Tagline: StudentAI offers 24/7 AI-powered tutoring and tools for students, graduates, and professionals. It assists in essay writing, project ideation, content paraphrasing, and APA citation. Featured widely, it provides free start, diverse AI tools, and subject-specific AI tutors for comprehensive academic support.

Elevator Pitch: A student struggling with thesis methodology employs StudentAI’s research methodology writer, gaining innovative ideas and structured guidance to enhance the quality and clarity of their work.

Target Market: student

How will you make money?: supscription

How much capital have you raised?:

Founder(s) Name: suraj nayek


Twitter: @studentaiapp

City/Country: Singapore

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This book will change your life



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