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Startup Name: Zelta
Tagline: Trade 200+ crypto at ZERO fees* on ZELTA
Elevator Pitch: Zelta, a one-of-a-kind cryptocurrency exchange.
Zelta is your gateway to Web 3.0 where users can Trade 200+ crypto assets with lesser fees and even win their way to Flat 0 Trading fees.
Stake with highest APY, Earn Rewards & Win cool NFTs, all encapsulated in a unique gamified rewarding interface.
Zelta is focussed on offering the best rewards to all the users and incentivise the community leaders and patrons in the best way possible.
Not just an exchange but the next change!
Target Market: Cryptocurrency
How will you make money?: Trading Fees
How much capital have you raised?: None
Founder(s) Name: Andrew C
Website: https://zelta.io/
Twitter: ZeltaGlobal
City/Country: Road Town/ British Virgin Islands
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