Jetpac eSIM by Circles.Life – Jetpac is a travel eSIM that ensures seamless data connectivity across 50 countries for Travellers worldwide.

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Startup Name: Jetpac eSIM by Circles.Life

Tagline: Jetpac is a travel eSIM that ensures seamless data connectivity across 50 countries for Travellers worldwide.

Elevator Pitch: “Jetpac is a travel eSIM that ensures seamless data connectivity across 50 countries for Travellers worldwide. We’re gearing for a launch in October 2023 in the USA!

What we offer:
High data, value for money data roaming packs. Jetpac is ideal for Travellers who are heavy data users. We provide stable connectivity for both personal and business usage on the go.
Currently, we have 3 regional packs and 1 global pack servicing 50 countries well-suited for multi-destination drips.
COMING SOON: Single-destination packs.

– 1 eSIM that is 100% digital. Jetpac eSIM requires a one-time installation process on your device that we have streamlined for easy download and activation. No further SIM-swapping, installation, or physical SIM cards are required for use.

– Instant Customer Support through in-built live-chat and widely used channels such as Whatsapp to address all your queries and needs immediately.

– 100% transparency on data pack details and billing that will ensure 0 hidden charges and bill shocks.

– SmartDelay: A unique service with Jetpac offering complimentary airport lounge access in the event of a flight delay or cancellation.”

Target Market: Tech Savvy Travellers, who prioritise convenience

How will you make money?: By selling various travel packs

How much capital have you raised?: please specify

Founder(s) Name: Rameez Ansar (, Abhishek Gupta

(, Adeel Najam (


Twitter: @CirclesLifeSG

City/Country: Singapore

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