Mobile App Platform (MAP) – A constructor for creating multibrand and multilingual mobile apps.

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Startup Name: Mobile App Platform (MAP)

Tagline: A constructor for creating multibrand and multilingual mobile apps.

Elevator Pitch: MAP is a constructor for creating multibrand and multilingual mobile apps. This product enables you to reduce costs and time-to-market by 2 to 10 times. The MAP excels in the effortless and rapid creation of new apps focused on registering users, managing their data, and providing various types of content. It is possible to extend the MAP’s functionality, such as adding e-commerce features.

Launch your own Open Source-based Mobile App Constructor instead of developing a bunch of standalone, different applications. This product enables you to reduce costs and time-to-market by 2 to 10 times!

The resulting applications will be:

— Cross-platform.
— Available on both the Apple Store and Google Play.
— Enabling the use of native functions, such as push notifications for iOS without email, and biometric authentication.
— Individually designed, according to your company’s guidelines.
— Highly performant.
— Scalable, allowing for reuse in other markets and when creating applications for other brands.

Target Market: Tier 1 markets, enterprise-level companies.

How will you make money?: We will continue to sell our products and development services

How much capital have you raised?:

Founder(s) Name: Henadzi Koltun


Twitter: @Attico_io

City/Country: Vilnius, Lithuania

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Written by John Doerr the legendary Venture Capitalist who invested $12m into Google which became $3 billion a few years later.


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