Impact. – Digital Transformation for Indonesian Businesses

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Startup Name: Impact.

Tagline: Digital Transformation for Indonesian Businesses

Elevator Pitch: Impact is a technology and consulting company specializing in digital transformation with the vision to grow Indonesia’s economy by helping businesses and the workforce through software, data, education, and community.

We are a lean company (and will continue to be) with a flat organizational structure, yet we wish to maximize our impact for our nation and eventually the world. Therefore our philosophy is to be (and we are looking for people who are) data-driven, able to identify the real pain points (which is surprisingly hard), and can come up with out-of-the-box yet practical permanent solutions.

Target Market: Small-Medium Businesses

How will you make money?: Selling ERP Products

How much capital have you raised?: 10-50k

Founder(s) Name: David Alexander


Twitter: –

City/Country: Jakarta, Indonesia

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Learn about OKRs - Objectives & Key Results, the management system that Google & Intel use to achieve massive growth


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Written by John Doerr the legendary Venture Capitalist who invested $12m into Google which became $3 billion a few years later.


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