Jasmine Energy – The always on climate exchange.

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Startup Name: Jasmine Energy

Tagline: The always on climate exchange.

Elevator Pitch: Build with Jasmine to support renewable energy markets, partner with us to accelerate grid decarbonization and upgrade your portfolio with always-on fair prices. Choose high impact and ensure accurate carbon accounting – rely on our trusted Green-E, current vintage, solar, and wind RECs to support your sustainability objectives with certainty. Grow market share, track price movements, implement robust risk management strategies, and trade efficiently with faster settlement and automatic retirement.

Target Market: Climate, Crypto, Web3, ReFi, DeFi, Marketplaces, Energy

How will you make money?:

How much capital have you raised?:

Founder(s) Name: Nathalie Capati

Website: https://jasmine.energy

Twitter: @Jasmine_Energy

City/Country: Washington, D.C., USA

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