TG0 – Advanced and intuitive touch sensing technology

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Startup Name: TG0

Tagline: Advanced and intuitive touch sensing technology

Elevator Pitch: TG0 empowers companies to unleash innovation, ergonomic excellence, and intuitive experiences by harnessing the transformative capabilities of TG0 touch sensing technology to create cutting-edge interfaces that redefine user experiences. The TG0 patented method infuses new products with enhanced functionality, unparalleled data collection, and visually stunning designs that captivate users and set brands apart in a competitive market. Seamlessly integrate TG0 touch sensing technology on the ‘b-side’ of product interfaces, bidding farewell to the tough decision between functionality and design, while working in harmony with other technologies and a-side surfaces to provide users with an unmatched, immersive user experience. Embrace sustainability, durability, and cost-effectiveness with TG0’s innovative approach, which streamlines manufacturing processes by reducing parts and components.

Target Market: Automotive/mobility, gaming/VR, audio, medical, sports, health/wellness

How will you make money?:

How much capital have you raised?:

Founder(s) Name: Ming Kong


Twitter: @TG0info

City/Country: London, England, United Kingdom

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