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Startup Name: AppsHive
Tagline: A One-Stop Place for Finding A-Z Apps
Elevator Pitch: AppsHive is a global pioneer website, availing the cumulative list of apps under different segments. It has an accumulated database of over nine thousand verified apps. The site will help you conveniently search for apps under vivid types, locations, and professions. It has a plethora of apps listed based on performance, usability, experience, and other primary factors.
Team AppsHive will help vendors claim their apps and display them to increase user awareness. It has enabled multiple listings that will list the app on more than one page, attracting users to download.
Target Market: Mobile App Owners and Developers
How will you make money?: By Providing our Subscription plan
How much capital have you raised?: None
Founder(s) Name: Paresh Sagar
Website: https://www.appshive.co/
Twitter: appshive
City/Country: Lakeville/Minnesota
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