waanee.ai – Connect. Engage. Win. Elevate Customer Experiences with Waanee.ai

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Startup Name: waanee.ai

Tagline: Connect. Engage. Win. Elevate Customer Experiences with Waanee.ai

Elevator Pitch: Waanee.ai is a dedicated startup focused on developing an AI aggregator platform for building customer experience utilities.
The platform enables seamless transitions between various Generative AI and speech models, empowering contact centers with debt-free solutions. It offers an array of features, including an AI-powered Interactive Voice Response (IVR), CRM integration, and a comprehensive suite of Dialer software.

Target Market: IVR software

How will you make money?: Implementing Waanee.ai’s complete CX suite, which encompasses Dialer, IVR, and CRM functionalities, enables businesses to optimize their call centre operations.

How much capital have you raised?: 10-50k

Founder(s) Name: Abhishek Kumar

Website: https://waanee.ai/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/waanee_ai

City/Country: Mumbai

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