– Mobile App Builder for Shopify and WooCommerce

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Tagline: Mobile App Builder for Shopify and WooCommerce

Elevator Pitch: Napps is a SaaS platform that empowers businesses to create and customize mobile apps for their Shopify and WooCommerce stores. Our user-friendly interface and extensive feature set enable seamless app creation without any coding knowledge required. With Napps, businesses can enhance customer engagement, boost conversions, and create exceptional shopping experiences.

Target Market: NAPPS is designed for e-commerce businesses that utilize the Shopify and WooCommerce platforms and have an established community around their brand. These businesses understand the importance of providing an exceptional customer experience and are looking to enhance their online presence through a customized mobile app.

How will you make money?: NAPPS makes money by offering subscription plans to its customers. The pricing structure includes different tiers based on the features and functionality offered.

How much capital have you raised?: None

Founder(s) Name: Pedro Pontes


Twitter: @napps__io

City/Country: Porto / Portugal

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