DataSquirrel AI – Fastest way: csv/xls to dashboard report, no ChatGPT upload

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Startup Name: DataSquirrel AI

Tagline: Fastest way: csv/xls to dashboard report, no ChatGPT upload

Elevator Pitch: As someone who works with data, you will find (BETA) to be a game-changer. Imagine being able to create a full report in just minutes, even if you’re short on time or lack data skills! We created it to simplify the process of analyzing and visualizing CSV and XLS files. Key features include auto-cleaning, auto-analysis, guided charting, and a Text-to-Chart interface, all supported by AI. We use plain English to make report creation fast and efficient for everyone, regardless of their data literacy. AI tooling is used in a secure and privacy-centred way, no upload to ChatGPT. It’s perfect for professionals or teams from any function who want to be self-reliant and confident in their business decisions – from any function: sales, marketing, product, HR, management, consulting. The BHAG is to be the Canva of Data Analytics.

Target Market: Product Managers, Marketers, Sales Managers, Finance Managers, Business Analysts, Data Analysts, HRs, Consultants

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Founder(s) Name: Martijn Moret


Twitter: @datasquirrel_ai

City/Country: North Bridge Road, Singapore

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