pipl.ai – AI cold outreach automation platform for startups

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Startup Name: pipl.ai

Tagline: AI cold outreach automation platform for startups

Elevator Pitch: Sending cold emails? Our tool eliminates 90% of manual hustle. If you’re like me – you’re probably not happy with the current cold outreach automation tools.

Too expensive. Lot’s of manual hustle. Poor deliverability.

We’re on a mission to change that.

Here’s what we offer:

– send campaigns from unlimited email inboxes (Yep. We don’t charge you to connect extra email accounts)
– unlimited warm-up for ALL your accounts
– built-in prospect email verification
– built-in prospect data enrichment & actualization
– AI campaign and sequence assistant & full-sequence writer

Target Market: Startup founders, Agency owners, Sales teams, Lead generation agencies

How will you make money?:

How much capital have you raised?:

Founder(s) Name: Yaro Yashnyk

Website: https://pipl.ai/

Twitter: @ThatOutboundGuy

City/Country: Krakow, Poland

Pitch your Startup, App or Hardware or post a Startup Event or Startup Job

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