Qureos – Accelerating 100M Careers!

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Startup Name: Qureos

Tagline: Accelerating 100M Careers!

Elevator Pitch: With a mission to accelerate 100 million careers, Qureos is an EdTech startup that revolutionizes the way young people learn by offering one-on-one mentorships, hands-on projects, and masterclasses across in-demand fields in Tech.

Today Qureos stands at the unique intersection of the EdTech and HR Tech spaces, leveraging technology to not only transform the way people learn, but also to help companies find and hire the best talent. Qureos is now set to broaden its digital transformation endeavors and expand its footprint in the growing MENA region.

Target Market: MENAP Region

How will you make money?: Freemium model for Corporates

How much capital have you raised?: 2-5m

Founder(s) Name: Alexander Epure, Usama Naeem Nini, Mehrad Yaghmai

Website: https://www.qureos.com/

Twitter: @UsamaNini

City/Country: Dubai/United Arab Emirates

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