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Startup Name: Web Scraping-as-a-Service
Tagline: Web Scraping-as-a-Service is the go-to solution to quickly extract useful data from websites.
Elevator Pitch: • Getting the web data you need in a concise and easy-to-understand format can be challenging; especially when you need a guarantee of speed, data quality, and security.
• That’s why we built Web Scraping-as-a-Service: A unique AI-powered, cloud-based web scraping and data engineering platform, that knows exactly how to
scrape, clean, customize, and manage web data to address your particular needs.
• Web Scraping-as-a-Service does all the heavy lifting related to your web data, enabling you to streamline your data extraction, make better decisions and focus on growing your business.
Target Market: Anyone or any company that needs to scrape data from websites. Our particular niche are customers with extensive data engineering and/or cloud integration needs.
How will you make money?:
How much capital have you raised?: 10-50k
Founder(s) Name: Kene Oliobi
Website: https://webscrapingasaservice.com/
Twitter: @WSaaSHQ
City/Country: Wilmington/ Delaware/ United States
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