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Startup Name: ComPDFKit PDF SDK
Tagline: The Professional PDF SDK for Developers
Elevator Pitch: You can integrate ComPDFKit PDF SDK functionality on iOS, Android, and Windows platforms, and the corresponding programming languages are Objective-C (compatible with Swift), Java (compatible with Kotlin), and C#.
Here are a large set of features that ComPDFKit PDF SDK comes with:
・Standard page display modes, including scrolling, double page, crop mode, and cover mode.
・Navigation with thumbnails, outlines, and bookmarks.
・Create, edit and remove annotations, including notes, link, free text, line, square, circle, highlight, underline, squiggly, strikeout, ink, and stamp.
・Support for annotation appearances.
・Supported form fields: push button, check box, radio button, text field, combo box, list box, and signature.
・PDF manipulation, including split pages, extract pages, and merge pages.
・Page edit, including delete pages, insert pages, crop pages, move pages, rotate pages, replace pages, and exchange pages.
・Encrypt and decrypt PDFs, including permission setting and password protected.
Developers can integrate PDF Annotations, Format Conversion, Digital Signature, Smart Forms, OCR, redaction, and more capabilities on their applications with our PDF SDK. Our powerful and steady API tools allow developers to bring the functions they want to multi-platform software easily.
Target Market: B2B, Ebook, Manufactures, Health
How will you make money?: Sell SDK to companies, or developers.
How much capital have you raised?: 250-500k
Founder(s) Name: Su
Website: https://www.compdf.com/
Twitter: @compdfkit
City/Country: Singapore
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