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Startup Name: ArvanCloud
Tagline: Unified Cloud Infrastructure
Elevator Pitch: ArvanCloud offers “Integrated Cloud infrastructure” services to the users with the highest quality and security with a cost-effective pricing (Pay-as-you-go). ArvanCloud’s product architecture is designed and developed by the top international technical experts and developers with the up to date knowledge of the world’s cutting-edge technology. ArvanCloud offers a wide variety of services with the highest measure of quality and security. This services include: CDN, Cloud DNS, Cloud Security, Video Platform, Live Streaming Platform, Video Ads, Cloud Computing (launching soon), and Cloud Storage (launching soon)
Target Market:
How will you make money?: Bootstrapping
How much capital have you raised?:
Founder(s) Name: pouya pirhosseinloo
Website: https://www.arvancloud.com
City/Country: Dubai
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