Beeptec Engineering – Beeptec Engineering is a startup (2019) engaged in the creation of automated programming tools. We are the author and developer of the logical core of the Beeptoolkit multitasking hardware and software platform – a desktop development environment and a freely programmable controller based on PC-compatible architectures with x86-64 processor versions for robotics, automation and intelligent systems.

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Startup Name: Beeptec Engineering

Tagline: Beeptec Engineering is a startup (2019) engaged in the creation of automated programming tools. We are the author and developer of the logical core of the Beeptoolkit multitasking hardware and software platform – a desktop development environment and a freely programmable controller based on PC-compatible architectures with x86-64 processor versions for robotics, automation and intelligent systems.

Elevator Pitch: OUR CONCEPT

Every time, programmers in the process of their work, again and again, press the keyboard buttons, entering multi-page code in text format.

Often these are the same repetitive sets of procedures with instructions and input rules that require programmers to have knowledge of the language, programming environment, experience in error testing and features of hardware communications to devices.

For the first time – the BEEPTOOLKIT hardware and software tool platform based on a PC running Windows 10 iOT / LTSC. It is a desktop atomized programming aggregator for the development and prototyping of automation systems, robotics and intelligent systems, which is installed on PCs, tablets, SBCs or Sticks (86 x 64). It is both an instrument and a freely programmable real-time controller.

This is a software simulation with no connection or hardware connection using inexpensive USB I/O modules for the required number of input or output channels for collection and control.

This is what the main panel of our multifunctional tool looks like!

Customize BEEPTOOLKIT like a joystick for the most addictive games, connect to the outside world of binary logic, create your own automation, robotics and intelligent systems.

To get started, you are provided with a functional I/O simulator that will allow you to determine the future configuration, set up communications and conduct virtual experiments.

Next – go to the Script Builder Panel, which opens with one click.

We introduce new concepts to the development world and tools that empower BEEPTOOLKIT users:

Tactile instruction coding means literally programming on the fly. Your actions look the same as when setting up a coffee machine with a set of recipes that can be changed and saved under your name. These scripts can be called automatically when building algorithms in other ways, and their number is not limited.

Computer vision. This function allows you to read colors from an image area and use this data as commands for further control.

!160 output and 1600 input configurable channels are at your disposal with trigger functions to collect data and control all kinds of loads according to your ideas.

Unlike game simulations, you connect real hardware and sensors, turn your ideas into real prototypes, including software source code.

Ask questions, we are ready to develop a dialogue at an expert level.

Welcome to the BEEPTOOLKIT community, where you will find even more amazing solutions from our startup, as well as discover new investment opportunities.

Target Market: Startups

How will you make money?: Sales of licenses for our platform, participation in projects of potential clients.

How much capital have you raised?: 250-500k

Founder(s) Name: Alexander Kapitulsky


Twitter: @BeeptecA

City/Country: Petah Tikva, Israel

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